Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I'd want to take a chance and introduce the C&MA team here in Mongolia. The picture on the top is the team at Thanksgiving. There are six older (between 7th and 11th grade) children who are were at boarding school in Taiwan at the time of that picture. The picture on the bottom is of those six older kids plus a few of the younger ones.
I have the incredible privilege of working with some pretty amazing people. They have huge hearts for God, and for people, particularly Mongolia. I love to see them in action as they share God's love with the people surrounding them. I have learned so much about how to really serve and to love people from watching them. They have challenged my faith in the Lord--to grow, be stretched, and to KNOW the living God. I am grateful that I have had the privilege to work with them for the last four years. They have filled my life with joy. I look back and see the years filled with potlucks and movies, joy and pain, tears and laughter, business meetings and prayer gatherings, spontaneous times of worship, camp-outs and on and on. I have grown because of them. I have been pushed outside of my comfort zone because of them. I am not the same person I was four years ago, and much of that is because of them. I praise God for this blessing.


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