Sunday, September 10, 2006

School Days

Don't you love the beginning of school? New pencils, changing leaves, notebooks, chalkboards, seeing old friends, etc. How lovely! On August 28 I started my first day of school for the year. Amazing how this is my fifth year of teaching. Where has the time gone? This year is going to be very challenging. I have nine students in four grades. That alone would not be hard, but I also have different levels of student learning within a grade plus different levels of English. They know English, but they're all not on the same level. It's going to be a roller coaster of being able to fit all of these together. Fortunately I have an assistant this year! Yea for Kristen! She is a God send! Thank you for coming to my rescue! Even with the difficulty of teaching this year, I know that I will love it. I love working with MK's (missionary kids). They're a breed all of their own. I have so much fun with them. They have so many experiences, and look at the world so different then I do. It's a learning process. Thanks to them for teaching me!


At 7:28 AM, Blogger Amy said...

I love fall! Now that football has started, it actually feels like fall a little bit, even though we dont' get snow.

Have a great year Lis, and love those little ELLs!

At 2:20 AM, Blogger Mindy said...

I love fall, too. So much. Today it's only in the 70s and I wore layers! Ahhh. And I'm so pumped that I'm going to be teacher! I love school! I love buying school supplies and I so hope I get to decorate my classroom. I have lots of cool international stuff (thanks to you for the Mongolian hat, one of my favorite items) and artsy stuff. I hope I hope I hope!

Your package is almost ready, my Lisa!

At 5:57 AM, Blogger Amy said...


The international corner!!! :-)


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